Editorial: Android Live Market Analysis

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jerry-me, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. Jerry-me New Guy

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    Note this mostly info and data I’ve gotten this year via markets and this is to help the LWP team in what to add in future updates and Live Wallpaper Creators.

    The first subject I would like to bring up is the various markets mostly due to people would like to know a good place to sell their wallpaper. I tried several other markets and looked in to any data that was open to get an estimate on how big and how viable the market actually is. I will warn people to watch the free/paid content ratio because too much free content can damage the paid content due to an overwhelming amount of free users who won’t pay a dime and will make it much harder to sell stuff on that market. Market size will count too mostly due to I’ll be pointless to add your product if the best selling product sales are too small which may result in you only getting a few downloads and possibly waiting forever to get enough to get your first check.

    The android market is the first and most likely main market everyone here is going to use and I won’t say much about this market due to everyone has at least used it but the only thing I can say is that this is the biggest market and you can get the most in terms of sales and users. The pros are that is a big market with a lot of data and tools to gain info about the user and etc. The cons for this market are that there are a lot of competition where you have to fight against free and paid users and the lack of attaching a demo can potentially hurt sales due to the user just thinking it’s 100% free or won’t bother finding the paid version. Overall it’s a good market and still will be the most used market for a while due to size.

    Slideme.org is kind of hard to say and I don’t think it’s good place for commercial wallpapers due to all around low sales of wallpapers and the free ratio is too big where free wallpapers might get some decent downloads. The biggest con for this site is the wait to get an application approved. I’ve put out a test wallpaper to see if it would get approved or not and It’s been over a month an no response on if it did or didn’t get approved which is not very appealing if the wait time is that long. Overall I would say it’s 50/50 due sales are overall low and the wait time is long but ad based ones might get a couple of downloads but it overall depends on what your targeting and if the wait is worth it.

    I did release test wallpaper for this and checked around the site for the wallpaper and overall sales so I have a decent estimate on the market here. Once again I would say that the free/paid ratio is very bad which is not good if you want to sell stuff. The other problem is the user population is very small to the point that even most of the free stuff is under 100 downloads which doesn’t make it encouraging. Overall I don’t think it’s really worth putting anything on this market due to the size alone unless they put some effort in to promoting themselves and improving the overall market in terms of sales(It seems that the site is not always secure on chrome which doesn’t make me too confident on the security.).

    I have released a couple of wallpapers a pdassi.com mostly due to I have a chance to create a small niche but I should have more data as a result of this but they combine the free and paid downloads so it’s hard to actually tell the exact sales. First I would say it’s quite easy to get in the market where it was approved in a couple of days and it does allow users to add a demo which makes it a little easier if they want to buy the full version. The major con is that it combines it even in the developer control panel which the only way you know if you get a download is that you get an email on a sale. The size and setup is kind of decent were depending on your appeal you can get a few or a lot of sales/downloads when it’s on the front page. Overall I would say it might be worth a try to put out a wallpaper or two here due to the market size is decent and the free to paid ratio isn’t bad yet and especially that they separate the two which is a plus while exact sales are a guess but It seems to have a potential to find some success here if done right.

    This will be the last market I have info for now although data is closed but I can find some decent data based on the overall sales of my wallpapers to get a very rough estimate on the sales. The market itself is ok but I don’t think the paid wallpaper market is that big considering that my Megami Saga Wallpaper only received a few downloads is on the second page although I do get the see how many people viewed the wallpaper I don’t think the overall paid market for wallpapers is very big. You also have the option to send your products to the other sites but it has a long wait where you could be waiting months for approval but I’ll update my review when I get a product on those sites. Overall I think a popular or amazing must buy wallpaper might succeed her but anything average or small might get crushed here.

    My overall thoughts and theories on improving sales and the main thing that might help is to add more features and content to the wallpaper. I came to this conclusion over time and noticing a trend with sales of commercial wallpapers. Unless your wallpaper is based off a popular IP or theme you might struggle in getting sales right off the bat unless you get lucky and get a good word of mouth. Outside the popular themes I noticed that the wallpapers with multiple features and customization will usually sell which the overall sales will depend on the actual theme but it will increase the overall appeal especially when you create a demo. I think LWC 2.5 and beyond may improve or solve this problem but it depends on what the next version will allow us to do and allow us to make more varied content with multiple features and customizations.

    LWC will eventually get ads and I’ll most likely use it for a few casual wallpapers but I will clarify that ad are not the end all be all in terms of getting money due to several issues. The first problem is that you’ll need to have a good install ratio and not a good download ratio mostly due to you’ll get most of your impressions from your current installs rather than someone just downloading then uninstalling it in a day or two. Second thing you do need to know is that you’ll most likely only get the low end of the ads which means you won’t get a lot from your impressions and I can’t say exactly but it’ll be much lower than flash and website ads but I estimate .02 to .50. The last issue is that ads are either cost per click and cost per impression. Most of your profits will come from cost per impression which is actually per 1000 views thus if you got a lot of video ads which average about 2 dollars that would put it a .002 cents per view although cost per click is a lot more and the rates may varies on the campaign and the ad provider’s cut but overall you’ll need a lot of impressions to get some decent profits. My overall option is that unless you know that your wallpaper can reach thousand of active install I think you should try to use it as a last option mostly due to a low install rate will only net you only a couple of cents to a couple of dollars and spamming it with tons of ad wallpapers might have a negative effect in the long run just to get a few more dollars won’t help.

    Last is something that I notice is that the low ratio for free to paid ratio for most wallpapers. Which quite alarming considering that the best I’ve seen is 1:10 while others are worse. I do think in-app products/DLC might improve the ratio because I notice that a lot of users on my dash board seems to just sit on the demo/trial version although a few of them might just be users that only download free stuff it might be possible to close that gap with DLC by unlocking the full version or adding new extras and features if the wallpaper is compelling enough.

    In conclusion from my data I do believe that creating more compelling wallpapers with more features and customization might be the future way to compete in the current and future market. I do think we need more than just nice looking and flashy wallpapers due to a good example is Ryan’s wallpapers despite being well received it really didn’t make a dent in sales which made him jump and make them free with an option to donate which made it worse because this isn’t a donation community. Ads and DLC might be a option for some but not all depending on the appeal and what they are making but should be considered in the future for LWC users and users who try to make their wallpapers from scratch. Last is that I hope this post helps the LWC team in the future updates current and future developers consider in how they should plan and set up their wallpaper to maximize future sales.

    I hope others would like contribute with their data with the android and other markets to help current and future users of the LWC community. For now I’m going to take from the data I gathered and make any changes to the concepts for the LWC 2.5 wallpapers I’m going to create but for now I’m going to make one more LWC 2.0 wallpaper for data purposes before the next release and continue to redo the in game graphics of Lunar Fashion.
  2. Vas Origin

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    Very nice post. I as well haven't found the other markets compelling enough to bother sticking with them. Majority of the Android population resides on Google Play, so that's where most of your traffic going to be. With a quality wallpaper it shouldn't be that hard to reach a thousand users. But what will really get those extra users is your commitment to the wallpaper. Listen to their feedback and try to improve on it. We get a lot of emails asking us for random features in our wallpapers, and some of them would really make for some cool additions.
    We tested monetization of apps using ads, and it turned out to be a pretty good stream of revenue. Once we know how we can implement this feature into LWC in the best possible way, we will make it available. Not surprisingly, people don't like ads and some would just rather have a paid version of the wallpaper. So it serves as good leverage to promote your paid wallpapers.

    Nonetheless, the flexibility users of LWC will have with the new version is only the beginning. Since our announcement that 2.5 will be delayed, we kept updates to a minimum, deciding to rather post something when we are closer to the finish line. The development of 2.5 is a massive amount of work, but we are very exciting at the prospect of seeing what the users will be able to create with the new features. Needless to say, the project is progressing very well, and we have been testing some of the new features. We think you will like 2.5 ;)
  3. malladoebike New Guy

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    If people use more folding ebike for salethan traditional bikes, there is less chance of releasing fossil fuel into the environment. This is because the versatility of electric bikes makes them more likely to be used than conventional bikes. Therefore, people who do not use their traditional bicycles are more likely to use public transport. Meanwhile, it releases fossil fuel into the environment.

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